Let's face it, even in boom times, there's always the odd empty shop on the high street. But when times are tough, our shopping parades look positively gap toothed. So it's great that in recent years, plenty of initiative has been shown regarding this issue. The 'pop-up' phenomenon has been a boon, injecting life and creativity into dark and shuttered premises. Locally, Lewis Kite has been spearheading a campaign via the Chamber of Commerce to re-use empty shops, and in particular was looking for somewhere for his partner, Sam to sell her range of baby clothes. His appeal on the local Facebook page had a response from Julie Rumlerova, who had a shop on Belvedere Road, called Julie's Handmade World, which had sadly closed. They then set about inviting other local design and crafts oriented people, who might not have had the financial ability to open their own shop, to share the space. The result is a space with a variety of products, which nevertheless feels like a proper shop, with a considered range, rather than an indoor market or bazaar. But of course, being a pop-up, its life will be brief, opening again tomorrow (sunday 15th) and next weekend (saturday 21st and sunday 22nd).
The shop at 3 Belvedere Road |
Julie Rumlerova
Knitwear & Soft Toys
Sarah Dennis, Magpie and Hen
Vintage toys, books and clothes
Sam Perry, Lil Beans
Children's clothing & toys
Soilse Lundberg, Bewilder
Baby hats
Alice Robertson & Ben Alderman, Stripey Pipey
Cards & Calendars
Michaela Simova, Blowing Dandelion
Handmade Chocolate
Linda Edvardsen, Bo Nordica
Homewares & paper decorations
And some of the team, from left to right: Lewis, Sam, Alice, Sarah, & Julie
Meanwhile on another corner of the Triangle, it comes as no surprise to find a pop-up in a pub! The Nordic Pop-up at The Sparrowhawk until December 29th, is run by Martina Helin. Originally from Finland, Martina has been doing pop-ups for nearly 10 years, in London, Brighton and Helsinki, and constantly finds new products to sell, and new makers to represent. Most of the artists and designers are friends and colleagues that she has met through her daytime job as an events organiser, often working on brand launches during London Fashion Week.
Lampshades, by Alice Aitkin
Copper Jewellery, by Sadie Clayton
T Shirts, by Blood, Sweat & Ts
Poola Kataryna Jewellery
Xi Designs, Jewellery
Baby Clothes by Carry me Home
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